Infobuildproducts: the best products for architecture and construction

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Published on Gennaio 22nd, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti



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Made in Italy

Diathonite Evolution thermal plaster for highly performing natural thermal insulation

Thermal insulation is an effective and tested technic to protect our houses from heat and cold. Find out how to realize a highly performing natural thermal insulation thanks to Diathonite Evolution thermal plaster and to Diasen thermal insulation system.
Thermal insulation is fundamental to guarantee energy saving and a high living comfort. Realizing a thermal insulation system the insulating material is applied all over the external surface of the building, as a protection of the entire structure.
Diathonite Evolution, cork based thermal plaster, allows the realisation of a thermal coat with high performances in simple, rapid and especially natural way.


The natural protection of the house.Diathonite Evolution is a plaster formulated with accurately selected raw materials, such as cork, clay, diatomaceous earth and pure hydraulic lime NHL 3,5. A synthetis of the best natural materials that Diasen experience put together to realise an innovative and high quality product.Thermal insulation from cold and from heat are not the same thing.A thermal coat realised with Diathonite Evolution guarantees high insulation performances both at stationary regime (insulation from cold) and dynamic regime (insulation fro heat). Thermal conductivity λ=0,045 W/mK acts against heat dispersion outside during winter season. Thermal diffusivity α=0,16 m2/Ms, in combination with the high mass of the plaster (if compared to traditional dry systems), limits and slow down overheating of the structure during summer season, guaranteing excellent time lag parameters able to maintain cool and comfortable ambient. In any season a thermal coat realized with Diathonite Evolution allows a high saving for air conditioning and heating.A breathable house is healthier.Thanks to its high breathability, a thermal insulation realised with Diathonite Evolution let the walls breathe, thus avoiding any risk of mould and condensation, maintaining the hygrometric equilibrium and comfort of the place.
The macroporous structure and the dehumidifying capability allow moreover to rapidly dispose of rising damp. For this reason it represents the ideal solution for any intervention ofenergy requalification and refurbishment of old buildings, because it coniugates the thermal insulation capabilities with the dehumidification and restoration.Elasticity and resistance in only one solution.


The characteristics of cork and lime makes Diathonite Evolution resistant and elastic, allowing the realisation of a thermal coat that does not crack, does not present fessurations, it is resistant to fire and impact. Diathonite Evolution realises an insulation coat with the same mechanical resistance of a traditional wall and it can be used also internally without the need of counterwall.

Diathonite allows to:

  • Intervene also to irregular support, such as mixed masonry, without the need of a rough coat. In this way it is possible to reduce working and application time;
  • Enhance the acoustical and sound absorbing perfomances. Diathonite Evolution, besides thermal insulation, protects our houses from noises coming from outside or from the nearby buildings;
  • A quick and simple application, by hand or by plastering machine, that does not require specialized work forced and that aesthetically requalify facades, living quality of the structure and its energetic performances.


Category: Insulation
Tags: Diathonite Evolution, energy saving, living comfort, Thermal conductivity, Thermal insulation

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