Infobuildproducts: the best products for architecture and construction

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Published on Giugno 16th, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti



Made in Italy


Via Grazioli, 30 - 20161 Milano (MI) - ITALY

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Production: Fencing and gratings for industry or architecture

Customer satisfaction is one of the priority objectives of Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO.

Founded in 1921, Costacurta began the production and sale of wire cloths, mesh and corrugated mesh in a factory in Lecco and in a office, with adjacent store, in Milan.
Over the years Costacurta has grown constantly and progressively, expanding its presence into international markets, and has built its reputation for quality of its highly specialist and technological products as well as its attention to understanding and satisfying the special needs of its customers.
Today Costacurta employs around 220 people.
Its administrative and sales offices are in Milan, while it runs two production sites in the province of Lecco, and a sales office in the Netherlands, Costacurta b.v..
Costacurta exports count for more than 50% of turnover, and the company is a qualified supplier for major international companies working in the field of technology development, engineer services, machinery and equipment for the petrol, petrochemical and chemical industries, food processing and engineering, textiles, paper and wood sectors.
Costacurta’s sales activities are divided into three divisions:
division ‘A’: filtering elements and derivatives
division ‘B’: conveyor belts
division ‘C’: components for the oil, petrochemical and chemical industries

Alongside the conventional production of steel components for industry, Costacurta has created a special range of wire cloths for architecture under the filtering elements and derivatives division: ARCHI-NET®.
ARCHI-NET® wire cloths represent an innovative product which leaves ample room for designer creativity.
The harmonious geometries, shine, transparency and suppleness of ARCHI-NET® cloths make them suitable for creating extraordinary effects both inside and outside buildings.

Quality policy.

Customer satisfaction is one of the priority objectives of Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO.
This satisfaction stems from the company’s ability to supply products and services of a quality that is perceived by the customer as being superior to their expectations.
Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO believes that customer satisfaction must be pursued through a process of continuous improvement and believes that every person, group and function within the company is an important part of that process.
Aware of the decisive role that people have in achieving the quality objectives, it aims to intensify training to improve the specific skills involved in the assigned tasks, but also to promote a process of awareness raising to increase the active participation of everyone in the continuous improvement of quality and, therefore, customer satisfaction.

  1. In particular Costacurta S.p.A.–VICO intends to adopt a quality policy that is in line with the following principles:To maintain a Quality Management System to assure the compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, regulations, directives and statutory obligations generally in all its processes and products.
  2. To maintain a procedure that periodically examines the results of process monitoring in order to define and review the quality objectives.
  3. To train and raise the awareness of its employees through training and updating activities concerning their relative tasks.
  4. To carry out periodical reviews and updates of the objectives and procedures through control systems (audits) and reports which allow the evaluation of performance in order to implement any required corrective actions.

Convinced that quality and safety in the workplace must be pursued with similar methodologies and equal determination, the Management has established a Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001) and an Environmental Management System (UNI EN ISO 14001), which act as catalysers in the process of improving the level of safety at work.

Environmental and safety policy.

The company policy of Costacurta S.p.A.– VICO, as regards the environment, is based on the preservation of the environment as an essential value for the quality of life and for sustainable development and, as regards safety, on the protection of its workers’ health and that of the population through the prevention and control of risks connected with manufacturing activities.
Environmental protection, safety and people’s health are primary and strategic objectives of the Company.
In particular, Costacurta S.p.A.-VICO adopts an environmental and safety policy that is coherent with the following principles:

  1. it maintains an environmental and safety management system to guarantee the respect of legal and normative requirements for all its processes, products and services;
  2. it trains and instructs its employees as well as key sub-suppliers, in environmental, health and safety problems through special training and refresher courses, specific to their roles, in order to ensure that they work in a conscious and responsible manner;
  3. it carries out, at various levels, periodical reviews and updates of the objectives and procedures through controls (audits) and reports that allow for the evaluation of performance and the review, and potential correction, of policies, objectives and programmes;
  4. it rationalises the use of natural resources (water, soil, …) and energy supplies (electricity, fuel, … );
  5. it makes continuous improvements, reducing the environmental impact generated by the company’s working activities, involving both employees and customers in environmental protection issues and in the company’s ecomanagement system. The company is also committed to encouraging suppliers, as far as possible, to adopt environmental standards in line with its own environmental protection system;
  6. it makes continuous improvements through the adoption of the best available and economically viable technologies for the reduction of health-connected risks generated by the company’s working activities. The company is also committed to encouraging suppliers, as far as possible, to adopt safety standards in line with its own safety system;
  7. it promotes a culture of collaboration with public bodies to make it possible to establish constructive relations concerning all company issues relating to the environment and to the safety of its employees.


Tags: corrugated mesh, COSTACURTA, Fencing, Gratings, mesh, wire cloths

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