Published on Marzo 10th, 2021 | by Raffaella Capritti
0Via Trani, 126 - 76121 Barletta (BA) - ITALY
Phone +39 0883 535781 - Fax +39 0883 532164
xREVERx: flush-to-wall system with reversible swing door
xREVERx is the flush-to-the-wall system consisting of frame and swing door that combines versatility and aesthetics in a single solution.
It is a reversible flush-to-the-wall system thanks to which you can customize the entire structure according to your living needs, quickly and easily.
xREVERx offers, in fact, the possibility of simply inverting the opening directions, allowing opening by pushing or pulling, and switching from one opening on the right to one on the left.
How? Simply by turning the direction of the frame.
The xREVERx flush-to-wall system is available only in standard sizes and adapts to any type of wall, both brick and plasterboard, guaranteeing maximum decorative freedom thanks to the total absence of jambs and cover frames.
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