Infobuildproducts: the best products for architecture and construction

About us

Infoweb is a publishing house founded in 2000 that publishes 2 web portals on construction and architecture issues:  and, specifically dedicated to energy saving and the use of renewable energy sources in construction.

Our team of specialised journalists, innovative services, quality contents, frequent updates and partnerships with the leading regulatory, certification and research bodies make Infobuild and Infobuildenergia essential tools for everyone who works in the construction sector. offers the English language market a qualified selection of construction firms and products.

Infoweb Srl
26 Viale Famagosta
20142 Milano
tel (+39) 02 9052237
fax (+39) 02 93660330

Director: Alberto Greco
Editors: Raffaella Capritti
Sales Director: Chiara Greco

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