Published on Luglio 21st, 2014 | by Raffaella Capritti
0Via Fornace Cavallino, 13/15 - 20090 Opera (MI) - ITALY
Phone +39.02.57602651 - Fax +39.02.57606357
Gemini system: Concrete and mortars additives
Proind GEMINI is a complete line of additives for concrete and mortars and a wide range of release agents.
All the superplasticizers with different base and actions for all round uses ( retard cement setting, increase early strength, SCC , etc.), antifreeze liquid and powder, air-entraining.
The line of release agents of Proind is for sure one of the most wide and complete in the world: there are universal release agents ready to use and to be diluted in water for wood forms, there are 15 release agents with different density and with specific additives to be used in different situations and in order to prevent the corrosion and to treat rusted forms.
Some of this release agents are focused for the specific use in precast industry in order to reduce bug holes on the surface to obtain a very special finishing, others for a rapid relase action and some contains MCI ® ( Migrating Corrosion Inhibitor) of Cortec Corporation.
Description: Non-chloride anti freezing liquid, it protects concrete between +2°c and -10°c reduces initial set time by 1-4 hours, improves high early compressive strength. It does not corrode the bars.
Application: SIRIOGEL 50P is designed to obtain special concrete and mortars during the winter season. It may be utilised in every kind of concrete: Normal, armed; precast. Moreover its does not contain any chloride and can be well utilized on pre-compress concrete.
Advantages: SIRIOGEL 50P can be applied during the winter months until temperature of -10°C.
SIRIOGEL 50P increases the mechanical resistance to short maturation and it allows quick reutilization of the formwork. High cohesion of the mix design prevents the segregation.
Packaging: Drums kg 220; Tanks kg 1200 Release agents. SIRIOGEL 50P: Powder.
Mixing Ratio: from 0,8 to 2 lt/kg per 100 kg of cement.
Density: 1,25±0,05 kg/lt at +20°C.
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